Given the fact that I’m pretty busy at seminary (trying to get out of here), I don’t always look forward to going to chapel. But since I’m a student, and on staff, and I’m the man behind the curtain recording chapels, I know if I’m not present it’s noticed.
Today was one of those days that I’m so glad I sat under the preaching of the Word. I met Christ in the preaching of the word. He was was preached, He was proclaim, He was lifted high.
He was proclaimed by a man who has been around Presbyterian circles for quite some time: Tom Ellis. Pastor Ellis is retired at this point, but students at GPTS have the privilege of having him hang around our halls.
Give his sermon (on Colossians 1) a listen. I wanted to stand up and shout Amen; actually I believe I (along with many others) did, and I believe you will also.