We are docked in Victoria, so I am trying to get some Internet access. We have experienced the longest Internet outtage I’ve ever seen on a ship before, and only got access this morning. But even then, I am unable to establish the kind of access I need to get to my e-mail, so if anyone is writing to me expecting an answer…well, there’s always next week! Just think what it was like sixty years ago when you had to write a letter and send it over land and wait for a reply! Creates patience.
   The cruise has been blessed thus far. This morning I spoke on the Johannine witness to the doctrine of atonement. Tomorrow I will address Romans 8, and then we will need to move on to the historical aspects and issues in preparation for the debate Friday night. We have had very smooth sailing, literally and metaphorically, so far. Many thanks to those who have prayed for us, and to those who have been active back in Phoenix repairing windows and keeping the offices safe. More when we get better Internet access! Blessings!

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