Why do we find the following?

Mark A. Seifrid, Christ, Our Righteousness (Downer’s Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2000). Contrary to the title, Seifrid denies the traditional Protestant doctrine of the imputed righteousness of Christ in justification. (Fred Malone in the Reformed Baptist Theological Review I:1, 109).

Seifrid will disappoint the confessional Protestant in at least two of his positions: (1) that faith is not exclusively receptive in the act of justification, and (2) his doubts concerning the adequacy of the language of imputation in regards to justification. (Guy Waters, Justification and the New Perspectives on Paul: A Review and Response [P&R, 2004], p. 234.

Yeah, that apologist guy doesn’t get it, but Guy Waters studied under E.P. Sanders and is a Duke Ph.D., so how did they come to the same conclusions? The irony is, the book’s first recommendation on the back is from the President of Southern Seminary. Please, don’t ask, I really, really don’t understand either. For those who have forgotten, here’s the material.

Update 12/30/2014: This review eventually became a major series of posts. For those interested in reading the entire series in order I post the links below. RP

Dr. Seifrid on Imputation July 9, 2004
More in Response to Southern Seminary Professor’s Denial of Imputed Righteousness July 9, 2004
Continuing Review of Mark Seifrid’s Views on the Imputation of Christ’s Righteousness July 11, 2004
An Interesting Expansion in the LBCF, 1689 July 27, 2004
The Abstract of Principles on Justification July 30, 2004
The Imputation Controversy August 25, 2004
Imputation Controversy #2 August 26, 2004
Why I Care About “Christ, our Righteousness” August 28, 2004
Imputation Controversy #3 August 30, 2004
Southern Seminary and Dr. Mark Seifrid September 4, 2004
A Response to Southern Seminary and Dr. Mark Seifrid September 4, 2004
Listen to Today’s DL for a Full Discussion of the SBTS/Seifrid/Imputation Issue September 7, 2004
From the 1994 WTJ September 7, 2004
A Word of Rebuke to the Firebrands September 8, 2004
And Verily It Got Nuttier September 11, 2004
Yes, I Have a Copy, Thank You September 13, 2004
An Open Letter to Dr. Mark Seifrid (Part 1) September 14, 2004
Seifrid Response, Part II September 15, 2004
Seifrid Response, Part III September 18, 2004
Open Letter to Mark Seifrid, Part IV September 21, 2004
Open Letter to Mark Seifrid, Part V October 2, 2004
If I Misrepresented Dr. Seifrid, then…. December 3, 2004

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