James White the Pinhead
I was pointed to this great article by Frank Luciani about me. I’m a pinhead, and a used car salesman, all rolled into one. Of course, anyone who actually listens to what I say, or accurately reads me, will have a hard time taking Mr. Luciani seriously, but…it is illustrative of how deeply tradition can impact what one “sees.”
Update: I apologize for having linked to the above, but it is a bit late now. I did not realize the gentleman would explode with vile language and vitriol upon my noting his behavior. I do not suggest anyone even bother going to look—the man demonstrated what spirit he is of with clarity and force. One thing is for sure: while I have met many church-going Roman Catholics who had no problem using vile language in public (and in their correspondence!) I have yet to meet a Reformed person who did not blush upon failing to control his tongue. Says something to me in a day and age when James’ exhortation concerning the tongue seems to have been forgotten by just about everyone.
James White: Hiding from Islam’s Best?
Meanwhile, another fellow has decided that David Wood and I are picking on bad Muslim apologists because we can’t handle the big guys. Yes, I know, that’s hard to understand in light of our constant challenges to the very folks this fellow thinks are the best, but, just like the note above, it is amazing how people can see, and hear, only what they want. I took the time to respond to this allegation, and to a 55 second clip from Shabir Ally he played, in the following video.