Well, let’s start out with something positive, shall we? Here is the view from about Central Avenue and Carefree Highway (yes, I know, Central doesn’t go through, I’m estimating where it would). I did the “Big Loop” this morning, a wide arc taking me up the Lake Pleasant Parkway past the new 303 interchange (I did not know they had opened it up yet) out to the Carefree Highway, across the Valley to Cave Creek Road (construction at the corner is rough!), and back down toward home. Turned out to be an almost exact metric century, coming in at 62.33 miles. It is still way too warm to be very comfortable while riding, which is why the ride started at 3:50 AM. But that is the price we pay at this time of year so that we can have those beautiful winter rides.

I was just reminded by Rich Pierce that I have yet to blog last Thursday’s DL. Okay well here it is. It was really long, and I talked about theological stuff. Actually, I continued my review of the Matt Slick/Roger Perkins debate, and, of course, the Comis/Fernandes debate. I also answered a number of e-mail questions, and reviewed some comments by William Lane Craig on the subject of Molinism. Here’s the program.

Okay, back to this morning’s ride. As normal, I was listening to my iPod. This morning I listened, for the 2nd time, to a 3 1/2 hour seminar recorded in Scotland, I believe, in Edinburgh. The presenters (the audio file did a horrible job and explaining who was who) were Peter J. Williams, Dirk Jongkind, and Simon Gathercole. I just found a link, thankfully, here. I would highly recommend this series for everyone. The presentations are lively, well done, and very understandable. I have benefited from them greatly. In particular, Peter J. Williams’ presentation was very useful. Here is a video of a similar presentation Dr. Williams gave. I likewise truly enjoyed Dirk Jongkind’s dismantling of a particularly troubling section of Ehrman’s work. I would love to hear Bart’s response in a one-on-one discussion.

Next, there has been a lot of chatter about this particular new book. Evidently it is coming out next month. I contacted Micah Coate back in April of this year and offered to review his manuscript. He declined to send it to me, but was quite nice in his correspondence. My assumption, drawn from looking at the list of endorsers, is that we will have here another Calvary Chapel attack upon Calvinism. Whether there will be anything new in this remains to be seen. Obviously, Radio Free Geneva stands ready.

Next, I made some comments about the Darrell Bock versus Bart Ehrman debate on the Unbelievable Radio Broadcast that was just posted last week. I did so in the Sunday school at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. Here are my comments for those who might find them to be helpful.

Also, my fellow elder Don Fry preached an excellent sermon out of Romans chapter 4 on the Lord’s day. Here it is.

Finally, I am planning on doing a regular sized Dividing Line tomorrow. The primary reason for that is that I’m not feeling all that well today (started coming on five miles from home on the ride). If a good night’s rest helps out, who knows what may happen!

P. S. Most of this blog article was dictated using DragonDictate for Mac. I must confess, it takes a little getting used to. But voice recognition software has come a long way in the past decade. It is difficult to teach an old dog new tricks, as they say, but this might be a very useful tool if I can just break my old habits.

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