Just a few quick notes. Got back from Cincinnati last night, trying to dig out from under e-mails and the like. Lots of important meetings this week. Going to be a real challenge.
Tomorrow on the DL I will be doing Mail Day, where I will tackle some of the mountain of e-mails sent in with questions and comments. Who knows, you might have one of the same questions!
Really honored to have officiated at the wedding of Lane Chaplin and Susan Yenser Friday night in Cincinnati. Well, I think it was Cincinnati. No, wait, it was Covington, Kentucky. Who knows? The roads back there are like spaghetti anyway (here in AZ roads go north, and roads go south; roads go west, and roads go east—pretty much anyway). We kept crossing in and out of Ohio and Kentucky, hard to remember where things were. Anyway, many of you know Lane due to his massive YouTube channel and his interviews with the great and the small. I’ve known them for years, and we always knew they would marry, but as I said at the start of the ceremony, “Well, it’s about time!” I was the midget in the ceremony (OK, no, my daughter was, but we were both lost in the Land of the Giants), with the maid of honor seriously towering over me by more than a foot. “We were married by a Lilliputian!” I can just hear them explaining that to their kids someday. But anyway, may the Lord bless their relationship and may they live together under the Lordship of Christ in harmony and peace until, as they promised before God and men, “death do us part.”
Also, finally, the new book on Isaiah 53 (we don’t have it in our Amazon store yet, but as soon as we do, I’ll link to it) has come out, so I am already in contact with Michael Brown and we will soon schedule a Dividing Line where the two of us will work through the chapter based upon the Hebrew text, responding to Jewish and Muslim objections to the prophetic nature of the text. Should be a useful and helpful time!