Today on the Dividing Line we will continue our review of Shabir Ally’s opening statement and, if I refrain from preaching too much, should get to Sam Shamoun’s first rebuttal. The DL airs at 7pm EDT, 4pm PDT.
Headed to Omaha tomorrow morning (details here). Looking forward to visiting with the brethren there in Omaha once again, but given the schedule, you may not find too much blogging taking place while I’m away.
Steve Hays has once again knocked one out of the park with his response to Kevin Johnson’s “there’s more than one way to see a text” repetition of Enloe-ish rhetoric and double-talk, and, as normal, he does it with a good dose of humor. It would be enjoyable to respond to Johnson’s self-contradictory musings, but other duties call. Here’s Hays’ article.
Just finished an article for the RBTR on John Dominic Crossan’s views; I have a book review for the RBTR due, well, basically a few days ago. I’m also getting a number of requests for materials on The Da Vinci Code, and I’m glad to see that, since May of 2006 is coming at us rather quickly. First project due is for TableTalk magazine, and then an article for my good friend Pastor Roger Brazier for publication in London, and I’ve begun those projects.
For those in Tampa and in LA, I will be speaking in the Tampa area at the Brandon Biblical Theology Conference the 27th and 28th and then in the LA area for a group of Reformed Baptist churches for Reformation Sunday. I will be speaking at the Sovereign Grace Reformed Baptist Church in Ontario (directions here).