While there is nothing on the GPTS website yet, the brochure is at the printers and being sent out. So, I guess it is safe to post the following information:

Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary will hold their annual conference March 9-11, 2010 at Woodruff Road Presbyterian Church, Simpsonville, SC.

Below is a list of topics (in order) and speaker:

“Englishing the Bible: English Bible Translation and its Purposes”, Dr. Benjamin Shaw.
“The Westminster Assembly and Scripture”, Dr. Chad Van Dixhoorn.
“Holy Spirit + Holy Men = Holy Bible”, Dr. David Murray
“A More Sure Word: The Self-Authenticating Nature of the Bible”, Dr. Tony Curto.
“The Modern Roman Catholic View of Scripture”, Dr. Mark Herzer.
“Critique of Bart Ehrman”, Dr. James White.
“Salvation, Sanctification, and Spectacles”, Dr. David Murray.
“Why Creeds if the Bible is the Sufficient and Final Rule of Authority”, Dr. Joseph Pipa.
“Critique of Peter Enns”, Dr. James White.

There will also be four 20 minutes Q&A sessions. There is usually times for book signing, but I do not see it on the brochure.

Last year (we had a conference on Calvin), close to 500 people attended.

Early Bird Registration is $65; Spouse $30; Students $20. Keep watching this site for the brochure and to register online.

I (and GPTS) would appreciate it very much if you would pass on the information about this conference.

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