Just a tad bit different than London or Inverness, but I’m off once again, this time to the Heart of the Gospel Conference in Toledo, and then on to Cornerstone Baptist in Roseville to speak Sunday morning. I’ll be speaking on justification issues at the conference, weaving various threads of the new perspectives on Paul controversy through each of my three presentations. That also means that I was wrong on Tuesday to say the DL would be on today: I thought my flight was on Friday. My apologies. Lord willing, back on the regular schedule on Tuesday, but remember, Arizona does not seek to play with God’s creation by altering time in an artificial manner. In other words, since you all play with your clocks this weekend, the DL time will “move” as far as you are concerned. From the false, articifial perspective of DST, AZ will “move” from MST to PDT. Figure it out from there. 🙂

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