Yep, the infallible Church alright. (I know, I know, “Oh, those are just local bishops!”).
James White, , Misc
Yep, the infallible Church alright. (I know, I know, “Oh, those are just local bishops!”).
I had planned on writing this post as the only item posted on the blog today. Well, man proposes, God disposes. Yesterday I received a note from an insightful Muslim correspondent regarding the Ergun Caner situation. He noted that in his talking with other Muslims the idea that I have pursued the Ergun Caner scandal information due to the Calvinist/Arminian
Just a quick note from Sydney via my BlackBerry. The debate was very well attended. A clear witness of the gospel was given. Thanks to all who prayed for this event. I’m currently loading the video from my little camera onto my Mac, and hope to post it on YouTube tomorrow evening (Tuesday morning US time). Still much work to
Chris Arnzen hosts the daily radio show, Iron Sharpens Iron. Each day, Chris presents an hour long interview on topics that are important to Christians. For the past number of days, Chris has been interviewing the contributors to the book, Glory Road: The Journeys of Ten African-Americans into Reformed Christianity. The interviews have been fascinating. All the interviews are available
This is probably one of the strangest stories we’ve heard in channel of late, but also a very encouraging one. One of our semi-regular participants in channel, thisbox71, had quite the experience today. He was at at Border’s bookstore in a city that I will simply say is in a rather large state. Very large. Humungous. So, anyway, thisbox71 sees
Side note – after 30 some years of wearing tube socks, just last week my wife threw away my last pair and purchased a pack, of what looks and feels like footies (girl socks). So, it is good to see Dr. White with socks pulled up to his knees (although, I didn’t wear mine that high). I’ll have to tell
Two interesting items from the news today. First, Christianity Today picked up a set of quotes from yours truly that appeared in the local Lynchburg paper. Under the title “Liberty University cuts Caner as seminary dean” the CT article summarizes the actions Liberty took (and only announced at the end of business late Friday afternoon–a classic political move designed to
Greetings! I am writing this from my new office…a first! It is a total disaster here, of course, as all offices are as you are dragging in boxes, putting up blinds, running wires, etc. But at least I have connectivity to the net and power to the computer! First things first they say. Only time to say hello and get
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
Office Hours
8am to 5pm MST
877-753-3341 (US Callers Only)
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
©2025 Alpha and Omega Ministries. All Rights Reserved.