If you do not own a PDA, and have no intention of ever owning one (though I know some who have been worn down over time and have joined the group), you can skip this one. But for the rest of us, I wanted to note (though I’m probably way behind the time) that PalmBible+ (here’s the website) has upgraded to version 3.03, and my what an improvement in look and performance! I use two Bible programs on my PDA (a PalmOne Tungsten T3 as pictured; I’ve looked at the T5 and do not intend to upgrade. I like the smaller profile of the T3, and so far it has done everything I’ve needed it to do), the PalmBible+ program, and OliveTree’s BibleReader (website). Each has nice features and some advantages over the other. The new version of PalmBible+ has a better navigation system, which had always been its drawback as far as I was concerned. OliveTree’s offering is very fast to navigate, but is not nearly as fast loading the files. However, I have Gramcord on OliveTree, something that, to my knowledge, PalmBible+ does not offer. However, the Greek text on PalmBible+ is very readable.

With just my Palm I have access to about ten English translations, multiple Greek texts, the Hebrew text, even the LXX. I also carry all of my books on my Palm, a wide variety of Edwards, Spurgeon, etc., and by using AvantGo, I keep up with weather, news, etc. Of course, I use it for all of my scheduling as well, and I carry nearly 150 pictures (get to show off my family in full, glorious color that never gets ruined by being carried around in a wallet) and a few very interesting videos as well. Of course, I have four different chess games, Battleship, and my favorite, Bejeweled 2 (sometimes waiting at the gate at the airport gets downright boring!). It is quite the handy unit. Of course, who will ever forget Peter Stravinskas calling one of my earlier versions my “gizmo” in the debate on purgatory? Anyway, just wanted to thank [Pete] the wonderful and crazy Nova Scotian for keeping me up to date on the PalmBible+ program (he turned me on to it). And btw, if you enjoy the DL, remember to thank Pete. Without him, it wouldn’t happen. Here’s his website, and his blog.

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