I noticed him sitting off to my left. A photographer with a big camera and a big lens. I really did not give it much thought, though, it was a bit unusual. I was focused on other things, so by the time I got to my hotel that night, I had pretty much forgotten about it. Until he contacted me after I got home and directed me to a web page with his pictures on them. I’ve done a lot of debates, but I’ve never had a truly professional photographer there to take pictures. Or, if I did, I’ve forgotten all about it! In any case, Brandon Adams took some great shots during the debate. He managed to position himself so as to use the background perfectly. These are probably the best debate shots I’ve ever seen, so, I thought I’d share a few with you. They turned out a whole lot better than the debate itself did! Too bad he couldn’t be at the debate the next day with Farhan Qureshi. In any case, here they are….
James White, , Misc