These are the main events Dr. White is scheduled to speak at while in the United Kingdom…
Feb 2…London, England…9PM. Revelation TV King James Only Controversy Debate, White vs Moorman*. With 2011 marking the 400th anniversary of the KJV, this intriguing debate will be taped in front of a live studio audience and will be broadcast by Rev. TV. See for more information. It will also be available soon at Check back often to get your copy!
*Dr. J. A. Moorman has written several scholarly books defending the King James Bible and the Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek Words that underlie it. His books include: “When the King James Bible Departs from the So-Called “Majority Text” , “Missing in Modern Bibles—The Old Heresy Revived, “The Doctrinal Heart of the Bible—Removed from Modern Versions” and “8,000 Difference Between the Textus Receptus and the Critical Text”. Dr. Moorman is currently the Pastor of Bethel Baptist Church in London where he resides with his wife Dot.
Feb. 5 & 6th…Dublin, Ireland…Saturday Feb 5th starting at 1:00 PM & Sunday Feb. 6th during the morning service Dr. White will speak at the Arann Reformed Baptist Church. The subject will be on the Trinity, from the scriptures teaching on the subject and defending the doctrine against the various cults of our day. Contact the church for more information…
Feb. 6th…County Wicklow, Ireland…Dr White will be speaking at the Sunday evening service in Bray Gospel Hall. The sermon will be on “The Potter’s Freedom” Romans 9:9-23. Contact the church for more information (website n/a).
Feb. 8th & 9th…Glasgow, Scotland…Dr. White will be speaking both evenings at the Reformed Baptist Church in Anniesland. The subject will on “Gnosticism, Alive and Well today!” Contact the church for more information…
Feb. 12…London, England…2:30pm. The Premier Radio Program “Unbelievable” will broadcast a show taped a week earlier with Dr. White. On the show, host Justin Brierley & Dr. White shall be discussing the question, “Is the King James Version the only Bible translation we should use?” Copy this link to your browser for additional details…
Feb. 12…London, England…6:30PM. Trinity Road Chapel Debate, White vs Zawadi–Does Islam misrepresent what Christians actually believe? Does it report accurately what Jesus’ followers think and teach? Come to Trinity Rd Chapel (get there early for a great seat!) and discover the truth as you hear the debate between James White and Bassam Zawadi. Contact the church for more information…
Feb. 13…London, England…Sunday…Dr. White will be wrapping up his visit to the UK by speaking at both the morning & evening services at Trinity Road Chapel. The service times are 11AM & 6:30PM. See the church website listed above for further details.