Some of the readers of this blog are familiar with my old site (well, it is still there, but nothing has really been done with it for quite some time) and the Resource Report or Resource Blog. This site was designed to keep the average Joe, who did not have access to libraries nor the time to research, updated on the latest resources in the areas of theology, apologetics and philosophy.

If these Reports were not beneficial to anyone else, they were to me. At the time (to my knowledge) I was the only one doing this work. I thought I would make it big 🙂 (then blogs came on the scene). I was able to stay on top of the latest ideas coming from a variety of places. One such place was the world of academic journals. I love journals. Not only do some of them smell good!, but journals produce the latest ideas floating around the academic world (some good, some bad and some simply ugly).

It was “hard work” going to the (Bible College) library (frequently) searching for the latest issues and punching in, by hand, the latest table of contents of Bib. Sac., JETS, SBTSJ, PFO Quarterly, etc. etc.

Well, you might have caught wind that someone began doing this work (with the journals), although in a different format (the spelling errors won’t appear). If you have not heard the news I would encourage you to bookmark James P. Boyce Centennial Library’s Journal Table of Contents page and check back frequently, or use your RSS Feeder. Of course, with today’s technology, most academic journals put the TOC online, and you can normally receive this information by way of Email. Here is a good example of one journal; and at times you can receive the contents free of charge.

I guess at this point, the Resource Index will never be revived. Oh well, back to the drawing board in coming up with something unique (umm, I don’t think so).

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