Before my first word about Ergun Caner’s deceptive statements, my teaching history was documented and well known. There was no question about it, no mystery, no controversy. In fact, I learned recently I have a former student teaching at Liberty (don’t worry, I still like this person, so I won’t name him). I began teaching Greek for Golden Gate’s brand new regional campus in Phoenix in the Fall of 1995. I taught a wide range of classes while the regional campus was still very small, staff-wise. Greek, Greek Exegesis, Hebrew, Hebrew Exegesis, Systematic Theology, Christology, Christian Philosophy of Religion, Development of Patristic Theology (one of my favorites), Apologetics. I was invited to teach in the Denver Campus, and in Mill Valley during summer intensives. As the staff in the Arizona Campus expanded, regular teachers came on board to teach Greek and Hebrew, and I moved to more apologetically oriented classes, including more and more focus upon Islam and atheism. The last class I taught was in January in Mill Valley.
Now, all of this information is on my web page. It was publicly available, and non-controversial. This isn’t like claiming to have lived in Turkey or claiming to have debated in eleven countries and thirty five states against leading Islamic apologists (when you haven’t debated a single one). Yet, certain men think raising questions about anyone who would put the light on Ergun Caner’s claims will somehow accomplish—what? I can’t begin to understand their thinking or their motivations. Just another amazing chapter in “What Happens When You Seek Honesty in Ministry.”