First the ups. We’ve got the stolen property covered (bless you all); Conan could not get through my door (then again, neither can I–but that is temporary); the monsoon knocked out our alarm system and scrambled its brains, hence the failure—that is fixed, and even improved; bars for the windows are coming next week (thanks, BD!). So, for those asking about what to pray for, a renewed focus on finishing this writing project, and protection from evil men.
And for the downs, here’s another loving e-mail from a kind, considerate, thoughtful member of the Roman Catholic Church:
Dear Mr. White, I’m glad to see your sister saw the light and crossed over to the fullness of the Faith: The Catholic Church! No wonder she crossed over, she got tired of hearing a bigoted, uneducated and very false gospel: T.U.L.I.P = Totally Useless Lies In Printing. On another note, I ordered the debate between you and Patrick Madrid on “Does the Bible teach Sola Scriptura?” You demonstrated perfectly how one can use many words, while saying absolutely nothing! In fact, you must have realised you were being badly defeated during the debate because you got down in the desperate dirt of Anti-Catholic arguments, which are all so poorly formed and terribly embarrassing in light of the facts. Anyways, you clearly lost the debate and Patrick Madrid proved that you are out of his league. + Cameron
At times you truly wonder if these folks have any idea how this kind of behavior only proves the bankruptcy of their own position? Truly amazing stuff. Some might wonder if these kinds of hit-and-run writers ever provide any kind of substantive argument, the answer is, “No, almost never.” But we continue to take the high road by refusing to treat them as they treat us. In any case, we can hope and pray that Cameron, and those like him, will someday listen more fully to what we have been saying in defense of God’s voice in His Word. (Quick update: I tried to write back to Cameron but guess what? Yeah, not a valid e-mail address. Shocking!).