Going to be the only one this week, though, as I will be headed to the airport (aka, my Second Home) on Thursday for my flight up to Oregon (please pray for the debate on Friday with Robert Sungenis on purgatory).
Also, I wanted to thank Ryan Habbena and the folks at Conquering King Fellowship for a great job in putting together the Chosen conference this weekend in Minneapolis. It was great to get “home” (I’m a native Minnesotan), and everything was handled real well. They have posted my Sunday morning sermon on the atonement here.
I should note that I also met with my friends at Bethany House Publishers on Friday, and yes, thanks be to the Lord, I will be back on the book writing path here soon. As always, you can help me with that. Some of our faithful supporters keep an eye on the Ministry Resource List, and as resources to allow me to write more effectively (and quickly!) come up, I place them there. Even today some books arrived that will be directly relevant to the (hopefully) two book projects I will be launching into soon.