I flew back from London last night…I think. Hard to know what time it is, what day it is, etc., at the moment. I took a quick run out to the Mesa Easter Pageant just to say hello. This is the first year since 1984 that I haven’t been there every night (with the exception of those few years where the General Conference took place at the same time). And since I am not fully recovered, health wise, I was only there a little while. The KJV Only Street abusers were busy bringing disrepute upon the gospel and repulsing as many Mormons as they could. Here you see one of their brilliant signs from a picture I snapped this evening. In the circle identified as “Satan’s Books” you have the N.A.S.V. (whatever that is: everyone knows about the NASB, but what is the NASV?), the N.I.V., the R.A.S.V. (RSV perhaps?), the S.R.V. (?) the D.O.C., (Doctrine & Covenants, perhaps, or maybe, Department of Confusion?) the N.K.J.V., the Book of Mormon, and the Koran. Oddly, the NKJV is in the fire, the Book of Mormon is the farthest away. Anyway, they had been earlier carrying a sign (Rich got a shot of it) of two trees, the KJV tree and the corrupt tree, but they stopped carrying it when Rich pointed out its inconsistencies. This one was being carried by one very confused fellow. I am thankful I spent this week seeking, even in my weakness, to encourage God’s fine people in Scotland and England rather than having to listen to the outrageous babbling of the KJVO Street Abusers (for the origin of that phrase, see here).
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.