Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Open Phones – Witnessing to Mormons & Presuppositions
James White, , Federal Vision, Mormonism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersJames takes calls today ranging from witnessing to mormons and talking reformed presuppositions with Dave Hunt. Lastly (55 minutes in) a caller asks about disqualified baptists and the Auburn Avenue viewpoints.
Mormonism and the LGBTQ Movement, China’s Totalitarianism, Polight’s Confusion, Open Phones UPDATED
James White, , Exegesis, General Apologetics, Hebrew Israelism, Mormonism, Pastoral Theology, Pauline Studies, Persecution, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersThe copyright challenge by @vladtv has been lifted. This program is now available for viewing. Talked a bit about the odd interaction Mormonism is having with the LGBTQ movement, and then covered some of the crack-down on religions (both Christianity and Islam) in China. Then I played a few minutes from a fellow named “Polight” wherein he gets all confused
Dr. Hamblin Declines Internet Debate
James White, , MormonismDespite Dr. Hamblin’s constant reiteration of his desire to debate the topic of temples on the Internet, when I responded to his very first counter-proposal, accepting all his conditions, but not yet arriving at an acceptable thesis statement, he ended the negotiations and said he was not interested. Hence, our challenge to debate publicly before cameras, in written form in
Guessing About God: Mormonism’s Inability to Resist the Onslaught of Modernistic Skepticism (Part 1)
James White, , MormonismI was recently referred to a blog article by a young Mormon writer and scholar, Daniel McClellan. He seems like a bright, intelligent young man, though, sadly, he has clearly been influenced by the less-than-mature behavioral ticks of his mentors at BYU, men like Daniel C. Peterson and William Hamblin. We will note how this mars his otherwise interesting article
KJV Only Abuse of Numerology, Dan McClellan on NT Manuscripts
James White, , CBGM, King James Onlyism, Mormonism, Technology, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineHad a bunch of other stuff I didn’t get to, but did manage to look at an excellent example of how KJVOism destroys real confidence in the Bible by looking at an example provided by Pastor Jonathan Burris (here) regarding the abuse of Deuteronomy 16:11 by one such KJVO advocate. Then we moved over to this video from Dan McClellan,
Christian vs. Mormon Debate Review
James White, , Debate, General Apologetics, Mormonism, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing LineI was joined in studio by Daniel Constantino and Oscar Dunlap to discuss their debate with two LDS representatives a few weeks ago at Apologia Church. Goodness, how Mormonism has changed! Almost 90 minutes of discussion, even though I was not able to play much of the debate due to a technical problem with how my computer was connected to
The Mormon Issue
James White, , MormonismMormonism is not Christianity. It is fundamentally different. While it differs in hundreds of minor details, what is most important to us is that it differs in the most definitional and fundamentalaspects from the Christian faith. Christianity worships one God. Christianity knows that there is one God who has eternally been God and is the Creator of all things exhaustively.
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