Two new resources our readers should be aware of are the following:

From Heaven He Came and Sought Her: Definite Atonement in Historical, Biblical, Theological, and Pastoral Perspective. If you want to know why this book was written watch this video. And here is an interview with one of the editors David Gibson. Ligon Duncan comments on the book in this video.

I get the impression (I’ve encountered some) there are individuals who believe that justification should not lead to our sanctification. I can’t imaging they would put it in those term, but that is certainly what their theology boils down to. So whenever one speaks of doing good works, living they way Christ lived, etc. they say you’re putting them back under the law, and they automatically run to their justification. “Don’t put me under the law, bro!”

Now, perhaps there are ministers of the “gospel” who are simply preaching moralism. This is wrong and we should react to it. But one can not swing in the other direction and believe, that gospel obedience is foreign to the normal life of the Christian. As a matter of fact, in the great commission, the church is given the mandated to teach believers to obey Christ. John tell us that our walk and our talk should coincide with one another. “the one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk in the same manner as that One (Jesus) walked” (1 Jn. 3:6).

This is why I’m thankful that Mark Jones has written Antinomianism: Reformed Theology’s Unwelcome Guest? You can read the first chapter by clicking here. You can check out two recent interviews with Dr. Jones here and here


1 Comment
  1. monty 11 years ago

    There was also a “Christ the Centre” episode on the Definite Atonement Volume:

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