This evening I preached at PRBC from Acts 2. When I finished, I then had a privilege that only a few fathers have in this life: I baptized my daughter upon her profession of faith. I baptized my son last summer. Both of my children have now professed faith in our Lord and Savior, and I have had the inestimable honor, privilege, and joy of administering the Christian ordinance of baptism before the congregation of the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church. It was wonderful to look out upon the congregation and see so many who were important in the lives of my children, who taught them and encouraged them and modeled the Christian life for them. I started to list names and realized I was running the danger of skipping someone, so I will just mention those godly men who have taught them, such as Don Fry, Simon Escobedo, Mike Porter, Warren Smith, Jim Broyles (who, along with Rich Pierce and Warren Smith, is to be thanked for making the sermons at PRBC available on the web), Eddie McKee, Jim Callahan, and Ed Ricketts, along with the godly women like “teacher Dianna” and Mary Ricketts and Gail Flock who ministered to them when they were so very young. Tonight was truly a “family celebration,” and a wonderful reminder that God is faithfully building His church.

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