So I worked it out so that I would hit a cycling milestone this morning at the top of one of my all-time favorite local rides (well, really, one of my all time favorite rides, period), that of the climb up South Mountain. But as I was just about to hit that milestone, 60,000 miles logged since I started on May 4, 1993 (with a seven year break between late 98 and June of 2005), an important point came up in the debate I was listening to. Roger Perkins, a future Oneness debate opponent, was debating a Church of Christ representative, and they were getting into Greek—well, as much as you can do so when you don’t actually read the language and are limited to throwing Strong’s numbers and Thayer’s definitions at one another anyway. Knowing this will come up soon on the DL (I will be reviewing these debates fully between now and October) I tuned in…and didn’t even think to look down at my Garmin 800 computer until I was a full mile past the 60,000 mile mark! I sort of laughed at myself, thanked the Lord for the health and safety I have enjoyed in 2.25 trips around the globe at the equator, stood up and started attacking the next climb in the early morning desert heat, continuing listening closely to the Oneness debate. Here’s a nice Garmin read out of my ride.

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