I wanted to give a special thanks for Eddie and Lucy McKee, both members of PRBC. Eddie has been giving a lot of his personal time helping Rich with building projects in our new offices (hope to see the first six sets of shelves next week) and keeping the offices clean (he runs his own cleaning business, so if you are in the Phoenix area, call McKleen!). Lucy works for the Phoenix PD. She also loves to sew/crochet/whatever ladies do with string and thread and yesterday they came over to watch the DL and then gave me a wonderful “office warming” present. And indeed, the phrase is appropriate, as it will definitely warm me up during the winter months (don’t need a lot of warming right now, as they are talking highs near 115 this week). This lovely blanket features the A&O logo on a blue background. She worked on it for a very long time. I have placed it on the love-seat along the wall so everyone can see it. Eventually that bare wall will have pictures and things on it. All in time. Anyway, thanks again to Eddie and Lucy!
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.