Over the years Rich has mentioned to me that some of our small cadre of supporters are “project oriented.” That is, they will mention to Rich, “If you have a special project coming up, let me know.” Being the lousy marketers we generally are, that hasn’t been too easy for us to follow up on.
Most of you know that I am engaged in studying Islam. It is a huge field, obviously, and resources on the subject are generally very, very pricey. Some great folks have stepped forward and helped get me a good foundational library to work from, but I still run across resources that would be very beneficial in my studies and in preparation for upcoming debates. With the economy the way it is, those resources won’t be coming out of the general (and small) budget in the future.
So for those who like the idea of my ploughing through obscure resources and mining the gems for your use, I’ve put together a “wish list” at Amazon. It contains resources that I would like to add to my library for debate preparation and study. Some are relatively inexpensive—others not so much. So for the two or three folks out there who are “project oriented,” there you go. Others might just find the list…interesting. “He reads that kind of stuff? He’s odder than I thought.” Any and all assistance is most appreciated!