I got a couple of notifications of the Newser mistake yesterday morning wherein my picture was put in the place of that of Steven Anderson, resulting in the graphic to the right. I know, I know, all us Baptists look alike to the press, right?
I really appreciated the fact that the first person to inform me of this, a Roman Catholic, Brian Saint-Paul, described me as follows in his blog article:
Anyone even lightly familiar with the world of Catholic and Protestant apologetics knows of Dr. James White, founder of Alpha & Omega Ministries. The popular Reformed apologist has a small library to his name, and has taken part in public debates with Catholics, atheists, Muslims, KJV-Only Fundamentalists, Jehovah’s Witnesses, etc. When he’s not writing or speaking, he teaches seminary, serves as an elder at the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, and enjoys marathon bike rides through the Arizona heat.
And now, according to media Website Newser, Dr. White can add another item to his lengthy resume: He’s the face of the “New American Taliban.”
Now that’s what I call refreshing! Someone who rises above the “anti-Catholic” rhetoric. Almost enough to make you consider post-millenialism! Almost.