I have really lined out an incredible schedule for myself this fall. Beginning next week I fly to New York twice in August, with a trip to Detroit sandwiched in between. I will be debating twice in New York, once with David Silverman, national representative of the American Atheists, and once with Christopher Ferrara, a Roman Catholic spokesperson and attorney. In the middle of the month I will be in Detroit, doing live programs on ABN (be watching!) and recording other programs during the day, then speaking at the God and Culture Conference that weekend. While some of those costs are covered sometimes (airline tickets, etc.) others are not (rental cars, food, sometimes hotels). Then September has me in Santa Fe and Southern California on consecutive weekends (two debates with Sungenis in Santa Fe, speaking on the doctrines of grace in the Escondido area the next weekend), with a major debate on the Tuesday in between where I will be teaming up with Michael Brown to debate Sir Anthony Buzzard and another unitarian! What a ten day stretch that will be! Then in October I am up in Minneapolis for a Bible conference, and the very next weekend in Newberg, Oregon for another debate with Sungenis. Barely ten days home and off to Peru with Heart Cry Ministries to train pastors in apologetics. Some of the costs for these trips are covered by the sponsoring churches and groups, some are not.
So, I wanted to let our supporters know of the continuing need to meet the extra expenses associated with the large amount of travel I will be doing over the next few months. I’d think some folks would want to donate just to get me out of town! But even looking beyond this fall, next February I need to get back to the United Kingdom. I will be seeking to visit a number of important papyri that are housed at Oxford or up in Dublin as well. So if you can help with these ministry efforts, please do so. Few things are more helpful than to go into these debates with a clear mind, undistracted by financial concerns and shortfalls. Click here to help!
Since our cart is having some issues right now you can call 877-753-3341 ext. 328 to make a donation by phone.