I am up in Salt Lake City (where it is actually doing a little snowing at the moment) speaking at Christ Presbyterian Church in Magna (Pastor Jason Wallace) and preparing to be on Sean McCraney’s program tomorrow evening on the subject of the Trinity. As I noted briefly on Twitter and FaceBook, I had the misfortune of listening to an episode of Jordan Hall’s “Polemics Report” on the way up not because I listen regularly but because a friend texted me and said he himself had been mentioned. It was the most unhinged I have heard Hall—just losing control at times and allowing that inner rage he experiences to express itself. Anyway, no one likes being lied about and slandered, myself included, so it was hardly an encouraging experience. But thankfully the services went well yesterday and the Lord blessed the preaching on the subject of the Trinity. I will be speaking again this evening, tonight focusing on the texts that demonstrate the eternal existence of the Son as a divine person in fellowship with the Father (the death knell of every form of unitarianism or modalism).
This morning a few folks sent me links to a podcast that was recently posted. I wanted to grab lunch at Taco Time up here in Salt Lake (it is a weakness of mine, but I LOVE Taco Time crisp meat burritos and their taco sauce—I’ve purchased a NUMBER of bottles to take home with me as there are no Taco Times in Arizona any longer) and so I put the podcast on my phone and listened while driving and eating.
I am pretty much at a loss for words. I want to thank everyone involved, including all those who wrote testimonials, Tom Buck who took time to call in and speak with the Hardings, and Kofi for recording what he did. I do not handle such kindnesses very well, I admit. I do know that far more people see through the past year’s worth of attacks than believe the nastiness of the critics, but they do not tend to be the “loudest” folks out there. The other side yells a lot louder, and with more frequency, to be sure. But the solid, consistent, faithful are out there, and we want to keep blessing them. So thank you so much for this encouragement, it is much needed. This also sort of fits with it being 2018…A&O was founded in 1983, so this is our 35th year in ministry! Good to hear what the Lord has done over the decades. So, again, my sincere thanks!