Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Western Rush to Moral Anarchy and Paul Williams at Speaker’s Corner
James White, , Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Islam, The Dividing LinePretty well split the program in half, the first being on developments in the ongoing rush to rid Western culture of the last vestiges of civilization and morality, and the second focusing upon Muslim apologist Paul Williams and his comments at Speaker’s Corner in London. Would love to challenge Williams to defend his statements in public debate on May 13th
Today on the Dividing Line
James White, , The Dividing LineToday we began with the promised clip from Anthony Buzzard. When I asked for folks to respond, lo and behold our old friend Sam Shamoun called in, having heard this clip in its original context, and having written on the topic as well. Then we took calls on a wide variety of apologetic topics all the way to the end
On a Personal Note
James White, , PersonalSo, why would I post a picture of trucks on an interstate highway? Because that is I-10 west of Phoenix. I took this picture with my cell phone this morning. In the far distance you can barely see the Palo Verde Nuclear Plant, 50 miles west of Phoenix. I’m on the over-pass. Why? Because this was the half-way point of
Jory Micah and El Shaddai; Spencer Toy and CrossExamined; Sola Scriptura Continued (Part 3)
James White, , Christian Worldview, Exegesis, General Apologetics, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineThree topics on the program today; for the first 15 minutes or so a quick rejoinder to Jory Micah and her “El Shaddai means ‘one with many breasts'” tweet, then about half an hour in response to Spencer Toy’s article on, “An Open Question for Presuppositionalists.” Then we got back for the last 45 minutes to our study of
A Little Bit on Infants, a Little Bit on Alistair, the Rest with More Carl Trueman
James White, , Church History, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing Line, Thomism, TransinsanityCovered a number of topics today with a short discussion of how a small number of ne’er-do-wells can create faux controversies for not positive reason, then talked a bit about Alistair Begg’s “swing and a miss” response, and then got back to Carl Trueman’s speech on classical theology. An hour and fifteen minutes today.
Norman Geisler’s Second Edition of Chosen But Free, Part 2 of 3 – Logical Fallacy?
James White, , The Dividing LineDr. White continues covering the error-laden 13th appendix of Chosen But Free, which had claimed to be a response to his book The Potter’s Freedom. This program covers a supposed list of logical fallacies in White’s PF, including ad hominem attacks and name calling. A closer look, however, reveals that the CBF appendix is littered with not just citations of
Major Debate Announcement: Is the New Testament Historically Reliable? vs. Robert M. Price
James White, , Christian WorldviewI will be debating Dr. Robert M. Price, a Jesus Seminar scholar and prolific author (see here for some of his books), at the CRI National Conference May 7th in Innisbrook, Florida. Hank Hanegraaff will moderate the debate. Those who have listened to my debate with John Dominic Crossan know how important this topic is. Dr. Price has expended great
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