For the half dozen folks who would find this at all interesting….
Riding year 2009/2010 completed (as of Saturday). Distance: 5,420 miles. Total Ascent: 148,580 ft (45,287m, 28.14 miles). So I covered 140 miles more, but it was the ascent that was wild. Last year was only 21.71 miles of ascent.
Since early April my rather radical change (for the better) of diet has netted me a weight loss of more than 21 pounds; that in turn has upped my average speeds, which gives me more miles over the same time period, etc. Nice feedback loop that I fully realize will not keep going forever. But for now, very thankful for health, and continuing to work toward my goal of being the fittest 50 year old I can be…in 2.5 years from now, that is. 🙂

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