My time at Greenville Seminary is coming to a close. In fact, I will graduate from this seminary next Friday (Dr. John R. de Witt will give the commencement address). The Lord has used the professors at GPTS not only to shape me theologically, but modeled how to “walk in the same manner as He Himself walked” (1 Jn. 2:6). What a blessings the past seven years have been!

There is a course taking place this summer, that if you have the time, you’ll want to participate. Adjunct Professor, Dr. C.N. Willborn will teach a course on Southern Presbyterian Theology. Below is a short description:

For the past 50 years no one has taught more students about the theology of Southern Presbyterians than Dr. Morton H. Smith. This summer the legacy continues in South Carolina under the tutelage of Dr. C. N. Willborn, a student and colleague of Dr. Smith for the past several years. Recognized for his own contributions to American and Southern Presbyterianism, Dr. Willborn will survey the great doctrines of the Christian faith as set forth by the Southern luminaries. The contributions of R.L. Dabney, J.H. Thornwell, J.L. Girardeau, B.M. Palmer and Stuart Robinson will be highlighted along with those of their many students. These men were international Calvinists and continue to offer the church marvelous insight into the truths of God’s Holy Scriptures. Many of these studies will be offered on location in some of American Presbyterianism’s most historic sites, including two days in Columbia and Charleston. Consider this a vacation for those in love with truth.

Willborn was recently interviewed on the seminary podcast, discussing in more detail this particular course. Click here to listen.

A comment made during the podcast that encouraged me “Even sinful men God uses in great and wonderful ways, and that should encourage every pastor who knows his own wicked heart. That, yes, even with my wicked heart God can use me in the pulpit on Sunday. He can use me in the week visiting my flock.”

The two textbooks for the course are:

Studies in Southern Presbyterian Theology

Our Southern Zion: Old Columbia Seminary (1828-1927).

For cost and registration information click here.

I can not speak more highly of Dr. Willborn. He is a godly man, a great teacher, first rate theologian & historian, and knows how to tell a good story. You will be blessed to sit in class, and tour various historical sites with him.

In the past (before taking a call to FT pastoral ministry), Dr. Willborn taught our Old and New Testament Biblical Theology courses. Click here to listen an entire OTBT class from 2009.


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