There is no greater joy than to know the power of Christ’s resurrection in the face of death. The gospel of God’s free grace, which points us solely to Him and away from ourselves, gives great peace and comfort when loved ones who share the faith leave this life and enter into His presence.

The Lord in His great grace gave my daughter Summer and I the blessing of being with my mother when she suddenly entered into eternity this past Sunday. Though we thought she was making a good recovery from a heart attack suffered on Tuesday, and would be coming home soon, the Lord had other plans. Summer and I came by after church on Sunday, and were chatting with her (and her very talkative roomate) when evidently she suffered another massive heart attack and went to be with the Lord. The entire family was so thankful that we were there, and though we grieve her loss, we do so as those with a living hope.

My parents have always made my ministry and work their highest priority. Sharing in the work of the gospel has united us and drawn us together in the face of all adversity and opposition. My mother was a servant to the end, complaining in the ICU on Tuesday that she might not be able to play the organ at church the coming Sunday. She didn’t realize she would be playing the organ indeed…just in the heavenly places!

I rejoice in the great blessing of a life well lived, in the hope of the resurrection, and the comfort of the Spirit.

Betty Lou White, October 4, 1932 / January 10, 2010

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