Started off with the MSM’s hyping of the First Apocalypse of James, a well known gnostic work from, at the earliest, the late second century, most probably the third.  Had a “Story Time with Uncle Jimmy” where I read the entirety of the work so you can respond to co-workers or others who raise the topic.  Then we discussed Bill Mounce’s comments on “whoever” at John 3:16. Followed that with a quick discussion of Francois Veron and the use of skepticism by Rome in the Counter-Reformation. Then I read a Muslim article about today’s Supreme Court case about religious freedom and what the Qur’an honestly teaches about homosexuality (and the foolishness of liberal Muslim groups who have opposed religious liberty).  Finally we spent some time reading and responding to Dr. Sonny Hernandez’s response to me on Arminianism and the Gospel, and frankly, I still haven’t a clue exactly where he is coming from.  But, we gave it the old college try!  Nearly 110 minutes for the program today.

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