Those names don’t exactly go together, but in this post they do. You might enjoy (a break from the “nasty boys”) the following…
Ken Samples Lectures on St. Augustine
Part 1 – St. Augustine’s Spiritual Quest
Part 2 – Apologetic Factors in Augustine’s Conversion
Part 3 – Augustine as Bishop and Theologian
Part 4 – Augustine: Philosopher and Saint
Kim Riddlebarger Lectures on Francis Shaeffer
Part 1 – The Life and Significance of Francis Schaeffer
Part 2 – Sources of his thought (Old Princeton)
Part 3 – Sources of his thought (Van Til)
Part 4 – Apologetic Methodology (Epistemology)
Part 5 – Taking the Roof Off
Part 6 – A Critical Evaluation
Also, if any of you are wondering, from my previous post, who K. Scott Oliphint and Lane Tipton are, both teach at Westminster Seminary (East) and both have some of the sharpest minds when it comes to Van Tillian presuppositional apologetics.
Here are two lectures from Lane Tipton: Implications for Human Knowledge (discusses the covenantal aspect of Van Til’s apologetic), and Biblical Theology & Apologetics (this is an exposition of Acts 17:30-31). I’m assuming that most of what you’ll hear in this lecture, is what you will read in his chapter titled “Resurrection, Proof, and Presuppositionalism: Acts 17:30-31” in Revelation and Reason. Tipton’s doctoral dissertation, dealing with Van Til’s Trinitarianism, should be published (P&R) in the next year or two. You will want to get a hold of this very important work.
Here is a lecture by Scott Oliphint titled Something Much Too Plain to Say and here is the text version. This is a critique of (atheist) Michael Martin and his Minions.