Last night Pastor Bill Shishko of the Franklin Square Orthodox Presbyterian Church joined me on Long Island for a debate on baptism where I defended the position of “baptism for disciples alone.” As you can imagine, given that Bill has been our moderator during the past few Great Debates, and also given that Pastor Rich Jensen–himself a former homicide detective–was moderating, the debate was run in a timely and fair manner! Even the audience questions were on-target and useful, a rarity for most debates to be sure. I do not know how many folks were there, and have not heard any estimates. Five hundred, perhaps? In any case, the debate was what we had both hoped, a clear example of how brothers can engage in spirited and pointed debate in an intramural fashion, without the rancor that some, anyway, seem to bring to the table.
I am waiting for information on how we will get hold of the audio of the debate. A single DVD style camera was on hand, so I do not yet know about all the arrangements as far as making the debate available and in what formats. We will let you know when we have that information.
Today I will be on Iron Sharpens Iron with Chris Arnzen discussing Islam. In fact, I have to leave in just a little while, which might explain the brevity of this article!
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.