Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Still No Bible Verses Establishing the Papacy
TurretinFan, , Roman CatholicismSteve Ray (a supporter of the papacy) has a new post on his blog entitled, “Peter & the Papacy—Verses I Never Saw.” (link to post) Wanting to make sure I did not make the same mistake he made before he joined his present church, I eagerly opened the pdf document he provides at the link, to see what verses he
Eric Svendsen and Gerry Matatics On The Dividing Line
James White, , Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineWOW. What a Dividing Line! For those who listened in (we set new records both for those listening live and the number of folks in the chat channel) on Tuesday evening when Eric Svendsen and I took on Gerry Matatics, it was quite the experience. Despite a couple of woops’s (we fried another channel on our sound board!), the 80-minute
On Roman Catholic Unity
James Swan, , Roman CatholicismIf you ever engage those who advocate Catholic apologetics, you’re probably familiar with the argument that Catholics are unified in their beliefs, while Protestants are not. A Roman Catholic apologist recently stated this common caricature in a blog entry against me: “The same thing happens with Protestants, in their internal squabbles. This is one of the ongoing tragedies of Protestantism.
Road Trip Dividing Line: Secularism’s Emptiness, the Richness of the Trinity
James White, , Christian Worldview, Musings, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, Speaking Engagements, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismManaged to get in a quick program this evening from St. Charles, Missouri. Went over some more evidence of the collapse of secularism and its rebellious insanity, and finished off considering some of the depths of divine revelation about the Father and Son at this time of celebration of the Incarnation.
The Aquinification of MBTS, Philosophical Trinitarianism, Responses to Soteriology 101
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Provisionism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismWell, 2024 started out a bit rough technically speaking, but we got past that and got to a discussion of Aquinas at MBTS, Dale Tuggy and philosophical trinitarianism, and finally responses to Leighton Flowers on the will of God and the proclamation of the gospel. Ninety minutes.
More Love Letters from Rome
James White, , Roman CatholicismDear Mr. White. Your attacks on the Roman Catholic Church is appalling. You will have to answer to God for your false claims against Jesus’ one true Church. You seem to ignorant of the Holy Scriptures and its correct interpretation that has been lived for 2000 years. You are ignorant of the ancient liturgies which celebrate Christ and His family.
James White vs. Tim Staples on BAM, 1996 (Update)
James Swan, , Roman CatholicismI recently re-listened to the first White / Staples debate on Sola Scriptura: Is The Bible the Only Infallible Rule of Faith? This debate is from 1996. If you listen to this debate, you’ll hear references to an earlier discussion between Dr. White and Tim on the Bible Answer Man show. I had never heard this before, so I tracked it
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