Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Road Trip DL: Asking Some Questions of Eric Conn, Reviewing the Debate with Tim Barber
James White, , Christian Worldview, Debate, Open Theism, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersA stormy weather DL from Golden, Colorado. Talked about some of the goings on in culture once again, then asked some questions of Eric Conn (hoping for helpful answers!), and finally toward the end looked at some issues regarding the debate with Tim Barber and my insistence that in the future my debate opponents not rely upon pre-written rebuttals and
Helping Joe Rogan Know the Truth
James White, , Atheism, Church History, Debate, Road Trip, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineSome folks were kind enough to link me to examples of Joe Rogan repeat common mythology about how the Bible was collected, the canon, Constantine, etc., so I took the time today to deal with those issues, as well as respond to a number of claims made in one clip as Rogan interviewed Lawrence Krauss, a well known atheist and
A Little Francis, But Mainly Responding to Jared Longshore
James White, , Church History, Debate, Exegesis, Federal Vision, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing LineCommented on the Pope’s continued promotion of the climate fraud, and his connecting it to “the culture of death,” but spent most of the time responding to Jared Longshore on the Hebrews 8 issue. Did not finish, but hope to later in the week. Asked for comments on Twitter from listeners as to whether you want more of this kind
Road Trip: Sola Scriptura – Session 4 of 4, Covenant of Grace Reformed Church, St Charles, Missouri, 12/2/23
James White, , Road Trip
TMS and DMCA, Why I Don’t Worship “A Particular Relational Inflection”
James White, , Christian Worldview, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Reformed Baptist Issues, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismWe had a technical problem at the start but managed to get in a full hour on the road once again, this time from West Texas. Addressed the Master’s Seminary issue relating to their filing a DMCA against the man who did the work to demonstrate the problems with Peter Sammons’ use of sources in an online class. This is
Road Trip: The Heart of Church History, Apologia Church, South Jordon, Utah, 4/10/22
James White, , Road Trip
Road Trippin to G3: Preview of G3 and Debate Report
James White, , Debate, Godly Disciplines, Homosexuality, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Road Trip, Speaking Engagements, The Dividing LineI think I am somewhere in North Carolina, on my way to Atlanta for G3. Have a bit of a preview of what will be upcoming there, and then reviewed the debate I had with Dr. Gregory Coles on Saturday afternoon, discussing the language and terminology issues relevant to “Side B” advocates of “Gay Christianity.”
Pre-Debate Road Trip Dividing Line from Houston
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Reformed Apologetics, Road Trip, Roman Catholicism, Speaking Engagements, The Dividing LineTalked a little about the “He Gets Us” thing, gave a brief report on the Allie Beth Stuckey Show from Tuesday, then dove into the Protevangelium of James and read its narrative of the birth of Christ in light of the defense of this document as containing genuine Christian tradition by Roman Catholic apologists. We then moved on to discuss
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