Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Look at the Response to this Article
James White, , Roman CatholicismI was just directed to this article (ht: Plaidman!) alleging that Francesco Forgione, aka, “Padre Pio,” a “saint” so popular in Italy that a recent survey said more people there pray to him than to Jesus or Mary (!), faked his “stigmata” using carbolic acid. While that is all very interesting, what I found most intriguing was the reaction of
The Catholic Verses: Luke 1:28 (Part V)
James White, , Roman CatholicismInterestingly, though I presented these passages and this objection in the same section from which Dave Armstrong quoted, he did not address them. He did, however, make one of the most common errors one encounters in literature such as this: the “let’s look at a really basic definition in a Greek grammar and hope it applies to our particular text”
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Jimmy Akin More than a Decade Behind
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Funny Things on Steve Ray’s Blog
James White, , Roman CatholicismA few days ago Steve Ray moderated the comments on his blog. Which is fine. I don’t even have them because, as I have explained before, I call most comboxes “IIA’s.” Internet Ignorance Aggregators. And surely, Ray’s web-board is more than sufficient to allow anyone who wants to comment on his statements to do so–of course, I’d likewise say that
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Catholic Answers Continues To Dodge The Issues
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