The Church would have been better off without the Reformation. Agree? Disagree?
Speaking for the motion is Jesuit Priest Rev.Dr Norris and speaking against the motion is Dr James White.
Tags: debates Jesuit Priest Rev. Dr. Norris Revelation TVSpeaking for the motion is Jesuit Priest Rev.Dr Norris and speaking against the motion is Dr James White.
Tags: debates Jesuit Priest Rev. Dr. Norris Revelation TV
A caller asked Steve Ray about the Protevangelium of James, one of the early “infancy gospels” from the end of the second century that became the basis for later Marian dogmas (such as the concept of the perpetual virginity of Mary). Here’s a review of his comments.
Jonathan Prejean has offered some comments on the first sections of my interaction with Dave Armstrong. Since they are brief, I will be brief in response. As he quotes me extensively, I will put my original words in blue, his replies in red, my replies are in purple. Intro Now, of course, DA will respond with text files (liberally salted
Just got back from a most enjoyable morning exercising my 2nd Amendment rights and launching model rockets, all at the same time (ah, the smell of gunpowder in the morning!). When I popped into my office to watch an AVI I shot of one of my old, old rockets CATOing on the launch pad (engine mounts gave way…I’m still laughing
I was contacted recently by a person who couldn’t access my Reformation papers on Eric Svendsen’s website. It appears has vanished. Ntrmin was one of the best sites for countering Roman Catholic apologetics. Dr. Svendsen graciously hosted some of my longer papers on Martin Luther and the Reformation, as well as providing numerous helpful articles on Roman Catholicism.
I noticed that Steve Ray is mocking communion supplies that involve pre-packaged cup/wafer combinations (link – link to website he’s mocking). But it wasn’t so long ago when those in the Roman communion could generally only communicate under the species of bread – the people of that church being denied the symbol of Christ’s blood. Yes, we are aware that
I was directed to this report on a talk given by Frank Beckwith. I found the following line most interesting: Following his return, Beckwith’s faith was changed in more than name only. “I started reading the Bible much more,” he said. “I used to read the Bible looking for arguments. I now read and look for wisdom.” This does not
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
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James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
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