They’ve been threatening to do this for years. You always expect visitors on Easter Sunday, of course, but…this? Yes, good ol’ Lonnie, victim of old ladies on oxygen in wheel chairs, bravely stood outside the Phoenix Reformed Baptist Church, preaching to the…shrubberies. He only showed up right before service started, so most folks were already inside, and afterward we just had everyone go out the back. What’s more, our building was built back when they really made walls thick (due to the heat), so, I never heard a word. It was a perfect waste of time, but, that’s the forte of Lonnie and the Gang.
   We were given a warning, anyway. Listen to this mp3 of two phone messages left on our answering machine. The second is from Lonnie himself: phone messages.
   But then Lonnie, and his faithful videographer, showed up. After church we recorded some of his “preaching.” Since these men claim to be preachers, let’s see how well they preach. Here is Lonnie preaching.
   Yes, well, I’m definitely edified. Did you catch the end? Did he really just claim to have talked to, or converted, 100 to 150 people a night in Mesa? Did this guy go to the Benny Hinn school of statistics? They claim they are going to come back next week, too, driving all the way from Los Angeles to…”preach” to the shrubberies!
   If you know of any church that supports these men, please, let them know what they are really up to. These men are a blight upon the faith, just like the cult out of Kansas (Fred Phelps). Folks, if we do not stand up to these people, if we do not show not only in deed but in clear language how we are completely separate from them, the world will continue to lump us all together. You will note that Lonnie claims the Mormons “thanked them” for “getting rid” of us. We all know that is a bold-faced lie, but I wish to make sure any Mormon who reads this article knows that we have always approached the task of evangelizing them with respect—not only in how we act and dress, but in the effort put into understanding Mormonism and showing the Mormon people the respect due to them that comes from accurately representing their faith. This is something the SSC can never claim.
   Please pray the Lord will restrain the madness of these men, remove their support, and end their hateful campaign of spewing hatred in the name of Christ.

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