Faithful ministers frequently have as their reward only the knowledge that they pleased their Lord and served Him diligently. It is not their aim to be lauded by men, but only to serve Christ and bless the church through service. But, there are times when the fruit of faithful diligence is readily seen and long lasting.
For seven years Phil Johnson of TeamPyro has faithfully stood before the amorphous “conversation” of Post-Modern Christianity applying propositional truth directly to its forehead. His writing has always been a pleasant mixture of pastoral insight, apologetic fervor and Pauline bite. Many have been blessed by his insight and wit, but more importantly, by his conviction that the truths of Scripture are both knowable and ought to be known.
Today, Phil is stepping down from blogging to focus on greater responsibilities. We wish him well and pray the Lord will continue the fruit of his labors in whatever form they happen to be. God bless, brother.