Congrats on 25 years! That is amazing to see any single ministry last that long, and still hold to the truth with the same conviction. Over time many “sell-out” and it is truly a blessing that you haven’t.
At any rate, I have not been around long, but your ministry has had a large impact in my life and ministry. It was interesting, I have been learning apologetics and looking around the internet for about four years and never ran across your ministry (besides reading the discussion you had with Tektonics, and at the time I did not know who this “James White” guy was). But during the Jacobovici empty tomb mess a friend of mine pointed me your way.
After listening to a couple episodes of the Dividing line concerning the tomb business, I found the ministry to be interesting and kept around. When I was first saved, I was pretty Wesleyan. As I worked through more of my theology I started drifting more reformed, but after a few weeks of listening and reading what is at AOMin, I found myself being more of a Calvinist. And that has had a huge influence on my life. The way I read the Scriptures, interact with believers and non-believers alike, how I worshipped, and how I lived life with a newfound, stronger, trust in God. Also, though AOMin I have been introduced to like-minded people and ministries. Which have been a great asset to my walk with the Lord.
My apologetic has been sharpened seeing the form of debate that Dr. White uses. I have not only been edified by the truth spoken, but I have seen it done in a respectful way. Listening to the debates, the Dividing Line, reading the articles, etc. have shown me better how to think about, confront, and deal with many of these issues.
I have also had the pleasure of meeting both you guys (Dr. White and Mr. Pierce) on the last cruise (out of Seattle).
God has used AOMin to strengthen my relationship with Himself and many of the things I have learned will be taken with me into my ministry and life. Thanks for keeping your head down and doing the work of God. Thanks again for 25 years and be encouraged that the Lord is using your work to bring Glory to His name.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.