On behalf of E610 Ministries International, our deepest thanks and praise for the work God has led you to continue for twenty-five years now. Even more today I personally am benefiting from the web site as the Lord has recently asked me to serve Him by moving to Brazil where I am doing long term mission work while also working to complete my M.Div at CES. Not only are the dividing lines encouraging and edifying, they also connect me to apologetics happening real time at home in the good ole US of A.
Prior to moving in to full time Missions, E610 relied on your video tapes and CD series extensively for training with our street evangelists who remain at work back in the USA today for His glory. We have links to your site at our believers area at E610 and continue to support the work you are doing in prayer and petition to our risen King, that He might continue, protect, and bless the work you continue this and each day.
Thank you – to you and Rich, to your family, who make sacrifices in order for you to take time to devote to your work with AOMIN and please know how important each installment is that you make. Keep the tape rolling and know you are all loved and appreciated deeply across the world. I never imaged years ago when I began following AOMIN I would be listening from the mission field. Praise God for His provision to us all.
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.