Well, I did say it would be an experiment, and, well, it was a failed experiment. I thought it would be cool to let folks get in touch via Zoom and ask about a textual variant they particular are interested in. I get folks contacting me privately about things like that all the time. So, we fired stuff up, opened the Zoom room up and…got clobbered with teens playing games. Couldn’t get a single person lined up with a serious question. So, I threw it open to the Twitterverse and we only got one or two requests. So, I filled with information about how we examine variants, looking mainly at Mark 1:1, 1:2, and John 5:3-4. So, hopefully that will be helpful for a few folks, but other than that, I need to go wash the soot off my clothes from the ashes of the program and get ready to press on!

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