OK, since too many of you have figured out the Dividing Line schedule, we are changing it again. Starting THIS MORNING we will go back to the Tuesday 11AM/Thursday 4PM schedule (MST).
Seriously, why change the schedule? We get a lot of complaints about that. Well, it’s simple: it’s a two man operation, and both of us are family men, and one of us has had a “moving schedule conflict” that, well, moved again. 🙂 Just that simple.
Today on the DL: Lewis B. Smedes, formerly of Fuller Seminary, gave an interview to SoulForce, Mel White’s pro-homosexual organization, which is now being distributed with the following description:
The Rev. Dr. Lewis B. Smedes, the esteemed Christian theologian and ethicist, demolishes the arguments that Romans 1 condemns homosexuals. He concludes that using the Bible against GLBT people is a “heresy.”
The argumentation is utterly vacuous, and a tremendous example of what happens when the authority of the Word as a whole revelation from God is abandoned by liberal theologians. Listen in!