Phil Johnson of Grace To You and The Spurgeon Archive will be my guest on the DL tonight. We will be discussing NT Wright’s views on justification and why they are so controversial. Join us at 7PM EDT for the program. 

Now, this has nothing to do with Phil’s joining us on the program (though, he would probably enjoy this), but I promised some folks after the last DL that during the “pre-show” where we just play music for half an hour before the program starts that I would do a special segment where I will be playing some of the greatest hits of…Spike Jones and the City Slickers. So if you want to “tune in” (i.e., connect up) half an hour early, you will be…entertained, anyway. 🙂 In fact, the more I think about it, the more I am sure Phil loves Spike Jones. Maybe he’ll want to call in early just to listen.

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