Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Theology, Apologetics, Inerrancy, and a Brief Statement from the Pope
James White, , Atheism, Christian Worldview, General Apologetics, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersSpent the first 45 minutes on an interview Dr. Michael Licona did recently, discussing the centrality of theology to apologetic methodology. Then briefly discussed a recent statement by the Pope. Here is the YouTube link:
Licona/Martin Debate
James White, , The Dividing LineGot back to the Licona/Martin debate, seeing again and again how vitally important it is to examine presuppositions, especially when dealing with post-modernists! Hopefully useful material once again! And don’t forget the WayBack Machine, streaming Dividing Lines from 1998 onward 24/7! You can listen on the Flash Player found here.
Insights from TurretinFan, and More on the Nazi Invasion
James White, , CBGM, Christian Worldview, Church History, Misc, Pastoral Theology, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineTalked a bit about how modern tech is allowing us to “read” ancient scrolls that have been fossilized over time, then looked at some insights, and corrections, from our friend TurretinFan regarding the TR, the book of Revelation, etc. Then transitioned into more recent developments into the influx of Nazi apologists into “Reformed” churches, and the Reformed men who are,
Microphone Testing, Living Out, Traditional Textism and the Longer Ending of Mark
James White, , General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Textual Issues, The Dividing LineStarted off with technical issues, to be honest (tried a new microphone that didn’t work out well, yet, anyway), and then eventually discussed Tom Buck’s currently running series of articles on Living Out. Then moved to the Traditional Text position (TR) finishing up with a look at the endings of Mark. We will be back on Thursday of this week. Don’t forget
The Wrath of the Lamb
James White, , Church History, Exegesis, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Textual Issues, The Dividing Line, TROnlyismStarted off with a few minutes in Revelation 6 and how we must first see the importance of a text in its original context. Then we looked at craziness from Hawaii with pandemic-panic lockdowns, the CDC inadvertently admitting masks are all a political ploy, Jemar Tisby’s retweet of BLM, and some updates on the coming debate with Jeffrey Riddle on
Bart Ehrman Stuff, then Valentinian Gnosticism
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, General Apologetics, Provisionism, The Dividing LineTalked a little about a new video from Ancient Paths TV about Bart Ehrman, playing a few clips and making application. Then we gave an introduction to a vitally important variant of Gnosticism in ancient history, Valentinianism. Don’t let the name dissuade you, this is really important stuff! We will take a few calls tomorrow to start off the program,
Don’t Forget Today’s Radio Free Geneva!
James White, , The Dividing LineDon’t forget! Today’s program is a special Radio Free Geneva featuring the examination of Steve Gregg’s presentations on Calvinism, in particular, on John 6:37 and Romans 9:19-20. Be listening! Here’s a bit of a preview. Steve Gregg comments on Romans 1:18 and the suppression of truth. Notice that not all men suppress the truth! Some are inclined toward it! This
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