Somehow I managed to get through an entire hour on the topic of Christmas and persecution of Christians and…lots of other relevant topics! Hope you find it useful.
Here is the YouTube link:
Somehow I managed to get through an entire hour on the topic of Christmas and persecution of Christians and…lots of other relevant topics! Hope you find it useful.
Here is the YouTube link:
I am starting to think Peter Lumpkins has relatives that work for Cox Communications. We started off with a brief discussion of Harold Camping and what to do with Campingites starting May 22, 2011. Then we looked again at some Silly Atheist Bible Thumper Arguments, managed a whopping 15 more seconds of Abdullah Kunde’s comments from a recent debate (at
James White was an among the earliest voices to respond to the “Gay Christian” movement that is now such a strong force in society. This episode played a sermon by Dr. White that covers the biblical theology of sexual morality as it relates to homosexuality.
Today’s normal DL has been moved to tomorrow. We will be discussing Frank Beckwith’s presentations at ETS (esp. since one of his presentations is on justification), and Rapture Ready Radio’s criticism of debates along with the promotion of Jack Chick instead! Should be interesting. Wednesday at 11am MST.
Today on the DL we finished our review on apologetics methodologies and we likewise took some good phone calls.
Today I played a video from William Albrecht in which he attempted to respond to a brief article by TurretinFan, and promised to call the DL today to set us all straight. We…didn’t hear from him. So, we took a call on polygamy after responding to William’s materials. Here’s the program.
James discusses today about the importance of debates, and with his disappointed announcement that Dr Strauss cancelled his debate on the KJV-only position, explains how important cross examination is in a debate. Then he moves on to a question on the BAM show about election and predestination in relation to libertarian free-will. A Mormon calls in and discusses free-will in
We are making the mp3’s of the debate available today, and hope to have the DVD’s ready to go early next week (taking pre-orders now), so I played some sections from the debate in the first half hour of the DL today to give you a “taste,” and then commented thereon. Second half hour was more on debating with Roman
Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
Alpha and Omega Ministries
P.O. Box 37106
Phoenix, AZ 85069
Office Hours
8am to 5pm MST
877-753-3341 (US Callers Only)
James White is the director of Alpha and Omega Ministries, a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. He is the author of more than twenty books, a professor and an accomplished debater.
©2025 Alpha and Omega Ministries. All Rights Reserved.