Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Sola Scriptura and the Mail Bag
James White, , The Dividing LineToday on the Dividing Line I spent the first half of the program responding to Bryan Cross and Frank Beckwith on the issue of sola scriptura. The fundamental attack upon the sufficiency of Scripture and hence its truly divine character and purpose in Roman Catholicism remains central to any discussion of the issues that separate us. Then I went to
Why You Can’t Have a Gas Stove, Then Mormonism 101—Part 1
James White, , Christian Worldview, Homosexuality, Mormonism, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineFirst half hour is on how the Regime’s attempt to get rid of gas ovens is, in reality, connected to everything else, including the insanity of thinking four year olds can “choose” their gender. Then we moved into Mormonism and, I will be honest, I just could not stop telling stories from all our thousands of hours of encounters with
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Radio Free Geneva
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A Special Monday Dividing Line Beginning at 1PM MST
James White, , The Dividing LineJoin us today for the only Dividing Line of the week at 1pm MST. I will be addressing Dr. Laurence Brown’s “Top Ten” list against the Trinity as it aired on the Deen Show!
Acts 9:7 and 22:9 Examined in Light of Dan Barker’s Claims
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A True Advil Experience
James White, , The Dividing LineListening to a couple of hours of Dave Hunt railing on Calvinism gave me a royal headache last evening. But, you will benefit when you listen to the DL this afternoon. I am simply grieved to hear Dave repeat falsehoods upon which he has been corrected over and over and over again, without even trying to get it right. It
Big Brother Watch, Lessons from Acts 12
James White, , Christian Worldview, Homosexuality, Persecution, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersToday is my granddaughter Janny’s 5th birthday! Yay! Has nothing to do with the show but that’s OK. Went through news stories on such topics as Norway criminalizing private comments that would be “offensive” about transgenderism and the like, and then closed up with a run through of Acts 12 and the myth of neutrality.
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