Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Prayer, Time & Eternity, Cosmic Justice, the Secret Gospel of John
James White, , The Dividing LineSpent a good deal of time on the relationship of time and eternity, and how prayer interfaces with God’s will, and then how all of this is important to the issue of justice. Even got a few minutes worth of interaction with a scene in the final episode of Star Trek: Picard that was actually directly relevant to the discussion
Who We are Subject To, and a Response to Jimmy Akin on Pope Francis
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church History, Debate, General Apologetics, Persecution, Post-Evangelicalism, The Dividing LineSpent the first half hour discussing how Jesus, as King, subdues us unto Himself, and what practical meaning that will have in the coming months and years when Caesar demands our submission to him in opposition of Christ. Then I responded to a statement from Jimmy Akin on the topic of debates and specifically why I believe today’s Roman Catholic
Yesterday on the Dividing Line
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Road Trip DL: Responding to Eric Conn and Andrew Torba
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, Road Trip, The Dividing Line, Theology MattersMainly worked through the exchanges on line between myself and Eric Conn (Ogden) and Andrew Torba (GAB) on issues related to ethnicity, etc., though I started out looking at the utter collapse of the UK into Orwellian dystopia, and that right before our eyes. It is truly amazing.
Enuma Elish and Dan Barker
James White, , The Dividing LineHaving written that title, I think it would be more fun to say, “Sounds odd? You’ll have to listen to find out what that is about!”
Provisionist Palaver, Trent Horn on Argumentation, A Few Moments with Carl Trueman and Doctrinal Development
James White, , Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Ken Wilson, Molinism, Open Theism, Personal, Provisionism, Reformed Apologetics, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismMy apologies for all the coughs and sniffs, I actually feel pretty good, but the voice and sinuses—not so much. Spent time talking about God’s decree over against Provisionist palaver (look it up), then looked at some Trent Horn material in preparation for a few weeks from now, and finished up with a real quick section from the Carl Trueman
The Assyrian Encyclopedia Sam Shamoun
James White, , The Dividing LineSam Shamoun joined me live in studio today. We started off with a discussion of the debate that took place Tuesday evening on the Jewish Voice Broadcast here in Phoenix (Sam was in the audience), and then started taking calls on a wide variety of issues, including one from the ever enigmatic TurretinFan!
Certainty, the Cost of Abandoning the Created Order, A Silly Dismissal of Presup, and Aquinas on John 10:30
James White, , Reformed Apologetics, Reformed Baptist Issues, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, ThomismOnly went an hour today but covered a number of topics including some statements by various “progressive” ministers, a passing dismissal of presuppositionalism that said more than its author intended, and finally a quick look at Aquinas on John 10:27-30.
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