Alpha and Omega Ministries is a Christian apologetics organization based in Phoenix, Arizona. James White, director, is a professor, having taught Greek, Systematic Theology, and various topics in the field of apologetics for numerous schools.
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Debates and Open Phones
James White, , The Dividing LineNo, this isn’t going to become routine. I don’t think. I will definitely do a “regular” DL on Thursday, for example. But, did another 90 minute version today. Thirty minutes on the Fernandes/Comis debate (well, sorta…snuck too much in about other items), thirty minutes on the Slick/Perkins debate, and then thirty minutes of open phones, with calls on apologetic methodology,
Bart Ehrman/Newsweek Article
James White, , The Dividing LineStarted off following up on the Bart Ehrman/Newsweek article (I had been on the Janet Mefferd Show this afternoon on the same topic), responded to some claims from Sami Zaatari from a recent debate with David Wood, and took a couple of calls, one on sanctification and one on Hebrews 6 and the perfection of Christ as Savior. And don’t
Radio Free Geneva
James White, , The Dividing LineDid a special Jumbo Edition of Radio Free Geneva yesterday, addressing three primary topics: first, the John 3:16 Conference from a few weeks ago; second, Greg Boyd’s attack upon “PSA,” i.e., penal substitutionary atonement (lots of parallels to the arguments Muslims use); and finally, a full review of Peter Lumpkin’s booklet on Calvinism. Don your “Calvin is my Homeboy” t-shirt
Francis’ Empty Hell, Brandan’s Empty Bible
James White, , Debate, General Apologetics, Homosexuality, Pauline Studies, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, Theology Matters, TransinsanityStarted off looking at Francis’ comment that he hopes hell is empty, and what this would mean to Roman Catholic theology as a whole. Then we transitioned over a Brandan Robertson video in which he shreds the Bible into contradictory strands, something that is all too common in what is called the “Christian academy.”
Hijacking the Scriptures: The Romans 9 Debate – Rightly Dividing the Word?
Rich Pierce, , Exegesis, General Apologetics, Reformed Apologetics, The Dividing LineLast May Dr. White engaged Prof. Leighton Flowers in debating the text of Romans chapter nine. Professor Flowers’ presentation has bothered me deeply since the first time that I viewed it. If we can set aside the issue of Calvinism and focus solely on his treatment of scripture along with his use of well known terms what will we find?
Programming Note
James White, , The Dividing LineDue to the invasion of the SAC (Street Abusers Cult), we will not need to move the Dividing Line on Thursday to the morning time slot. It will air at its normal time, 7pm EDT. Also, I will be joining Chris Arnzen on Iron Sharpens Iron at 3pm EDT as well (noon my time). Listen in and feel free to
Thoughts on Thanksgiving, a Bit More Cone, Matt Hall and CRT
James White, , Christian Worldview, Godly Disciplines, Post-Evangelicalism, Racialism, The Dividing LineWell Thanksgiving is coming up so we spent some time talking about thanks, contentment, etc., from a biblical perspective. Then we moved back to reading a bit from James Cone, made application to Talbert Swan, and then moved from there to an article recently posted from Dr. Matt Hall at SBTS regarding “racial reconciliation.” We asked some honest questions of
What are We Conserving? What are we Debating?
James White, , Christian Worldview, Church Fathers, Church History, Debate, Homosexuality, Personal, Post-Evangelicalism, Roman Catholicism, The Dividing Line, TransinsanityStarted off with some thoughts on Ted Cruz’s tweet about Uganda and Charlie Kirk’s comments about conservatism. What are we supposed to be conserving if such basic, foundational truths as family and marriage are negotiable? Then we looked at an article Catholic Answers published last year in response to the “White Question” and then finished up talking about debates (as
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